Hi all, this
time we will be discussing about installing Hadoop on windows using Cygwin. For
it, the first step is to install Cygwin on the windows system. U can download
the Cygwin version from here (
Download and install it. Make sure u select the “OpenSSh” package when it asks
for which packages to include. As:
Now, set the
environment variable (if it is not set by itself while installing) to point to
the installation of Cygwin.
the ssh daemon. For it, execute the command:
When asked if privilege separation
should be used, answer no.
When asked if sshd should be
installed as a service, answer yes.
When asked about the value of CYGWIN
environment variable, enter ntsec.
Now, if the Cygwin service is not
started, go to “services.msc” from run and start the Cygwin service.
Then u need
to do authorization so that it may not ask every time and u can connect to it using
ssh. For this, follow the following steps:
Execute the
command in Cygwin:
When it asks
for the file names and the pass phrases, type ENTER (without writing anything)
and accept default values.
After that,
once the command executes fully, type the following:
cd ~/.ssh
To check the
keys, u can do “ls”. U will see the id_rsa.pub and id_rsa files.
If it is the
first time u r using the Cygwin installed on yr system, den it is ok otherwise
u will need to write those values to the authorization value.
For that execute:
id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys
Now try and
login into yr own localhost by executing:
The first
time it will ask for conformation, do yes and den u can see that from next time
u will not have to do it again.
You will
also need to have Java installed on your machine. This is because Hadoop uses
Java also and u will have to set the environment variable “JavaHome”. I have
used Java 1.6 and the tutorial is based on usage of that version.
After u have
downloaded Hadoop, u need to extract it (as it is in zip format). To extract
it, u can type the following command on Cygwin command prompt.
tar -xzf
The file
name may be different as per the version u have downloaded). Also I have
extracted the Hadoop to the Cygwin folder under C drive. So, commands and paths
may change as per the case may be.
Once it is
done, u can see the contents of the Hadoop file by using the command “ls”.
If u want to
work with Hadoop file system, go into the location where extracted Hadoop is
present and type:
$ cd ../../hadoop-
$ bin/hadoop
fs -ls
What it
says??? It says about the env. variable JAVA_HOME not set. So, lets set its
path and other configuration files too.
Go to the
Hadoop extracted folder ->
conf ->
hadoop.env.sh (open it to edit)
This is the
file where the environment variables are set. In this, u fill find one
commented line (line beginning with #) as
#export JAVA_HOME=
U need
to un-comment it and then give the path where the Java is installed on
your system.
If u want to give the path, u
will have to include the cygdrive before it to access it. For e.g., if u have
java at location c://Java, then u will have to give the path as:
export JAVA_HOME=/cygdrive/c/Java/jdk1.6.0_27
Or else if
there is some space in between in the path, then u need to have one escape
sequence character. For e.g.,
JAVA_HOME=/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_27
Rest all the
env. variables are set by default.
Now we go to
second configuration file, hdfs-site.xml in the same location. In it, write the
following in between the tag configuration:
Here we have
to set the no of replication which should be done for every file. U can set the
value as u want. Here we have set the value as 1.
Now open the
file core-site.xml and give the following properties in it:
U can give
any port number instead of 4440 but it should be free.
Now we have
to make changes to mapred-site.xml file, located at the same location. In it,
write the following:
Here we give
the port number where we want to run the job tracker. U can give any of the
free ports.
All the
configurations are done. U can see the remaining files. U can note that in both
the files “master” and “slave”, it is the localmachine which is acting as both.
Then the
last thing u need to do is to make the namenode available and ready. To do it,
first u need to format it because it is being used for the first time. So type
the following command
I am assuming that u r presently
in the Hadoop folder. If not, type cd
Eg. $ cd ../../hadoop-
$ bin/hadoop namenode –format
It will give
some information and then will finally format the namenode. Now u need to run
and see it. So, type :
$ bin/hadoop
And it will
start running. Don’t stop it, instead open new command prompt of Cygwin and go
to the Hadoop location and type:
$ bin/hadoop
It will show
the options u can use with the fs command. Try using some of them like ls etc.
Now, in
another command prompt, run the secondary name node as:
$ bin/hadoop
In the third
command prompt, run job tracker as:
$ bin/hadoop
In fourth,
run the datanode as:
$ bin/hadoop
And in the
last u can run the task tracer as:
$ bin/hadoop
While u were
starting these, u must have noticed the change in the name node. Try reading
those changes and information.